Friday, December 31, 2010

Because the LORD your God carries you...

Even to your old age, I am He, 
and even to gray hairs I will carry you!
I have made and I will bear,
 even I will carry you and deliver you.
Isaiah 46:4

The LORD your God carried you,
 as a man carries his son, 
in all the way you went 
until you came to this place.
Deuteronomy 1:31

As I reflect on the Year that is ending today I can only be thankful for the LORD'S love and mercy as He literally carried me and my family and helped us all along!!!

In August he saved our 14 year old son from dying in an accident as his bike crashed into a bus. His skull was fractured from the top of his head up to his right ear 
yet God kept it all in place and after four days in therapy he was sent home!

In September my husband and I celebrated our Silver Wedding Anniversary with a trip to Ushuaia and to Santa Cruz to see and meet the Glaciars!

In December our youngest son graduated
 from his Primary School Years!

There was also a wedding in the family that I was able to attend. 

So my heart is full of thanks as I look back, celebrating each person as unique and special, thanking God for each moment we have shared as His love enfolds and holds us together.

Happy New Year beloved friends!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Merry Christmas!

We were all baptized by one Spirit into one body-whether Jews or Greeks, slaves or free-and we were all given the one Spirit to drink.
1 Corinthians 12:13

Wherever you are dear and beloved one, no matter how far, God is able to reach down and live with you in your heart if you humbly turn to Him!

He has called us to the obedience that comes through faith. It is a new life that is born in us when we accept Jesus Christ as the Messiah sent by God, born from a Virgin, who lived a Holy life, then died to cleanse us from our sins. On the third day he rose again and is now sitting at the right hand of God.
Turn to God wherever you are and confess your heart to Him. He promises to come and make His dwelling place with you!

This is what we celebrate during this Christmas Season that Jesus was born in Bethlehem to each one of us and that we were born again in Him to live a sinless life!

Jesus is our righteousness and our Kinsman Redeemer!

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Singing to our Prince of Peace

Today we had choir practice in the morning and tomorrow we are singing to our Prince of peace: Holy night, Oh night divine when Christ was born!

We will light the candle of peace as we continue searching God with all our hearts, mind and souls during this Advent Season.

When we come to God in prayer and commit to Him our lives, situations, troubles, limitations and needs, He gently comes and ministers peace to our hearts.

How I thank Him for His mighty presence in our lives that transcends all and brings rivers of peace like the waves of the sea!

With love from Lilian

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Your peace will be like a river!

If you pay attention to God's commands
Your peace will be like a river,
Your righteousness like the waves of the sea!
Isaiah 48:18

I can still see her eager little face
The first time she saw the ocean waves
She was only fifteen months of age
As she stood taking it all in
"Water coming! Water coming!" she exclaimed!

This was our first-born daughter
Gazing at the wonder of the waves
Forever coming to bless our days
And fill them with sharing and laughter,
Hugging, playing and praying together!

Argentina has been blessed
By many beautiful beaches and sunny days
Memories of happy times on the beach
Building sandcastles, playing ball,
Diving into the big waves and all!

God wants to give us this peace
Just like the waves of the sea
Always coming, always fresh,
Like the foam at your feet
It makes you wonder, it fills you to the brim!

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Always be full of joy in the LORD!

Today we celebrated Thanksgiving at Church.
We sang praises to our God.
We offered our tithes and gifts.
We shared a potluck lunch with delicious turkey!
Communion with brothers and sisters is precious!

The Lord bless you richly this week
As we lift up our Thanks to God
For all the blessings He bestows!

With much love in Him,

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

God is light!

Listen to this advice,
Follow it closely
For it will make you wise:
Trust in the LORD!

God is light
And in Him there is no darkness;
Make Him your delight:
Trust in His WORD!

God commanded light to shine
Deep into our hearts
To give us true knowledge:
Trust in His SWORD!

In the past, hasn´t He been right?
He wants to shine His glory
In the face of Jesus Christ:
Trust Him to save your SOUL!

Saturday, November 13, 2010

A lovely surprise!

I was at the piano
Singing along to Him my song
The boys were calling
"Its bedtime prayers, Mum!"

They had lit four candles
And in between lay The Bible.
As they sat expectantly
I hugged them tight!

"Thank you for such a lovely surprise!"
It was truly a delight!

So we read about a King
Who loved his God
And when I came to bed
I found this note:

"Dios te ama" (God loves you)
"Dios te cuida" (God takes care of you)
"Dios hizo la naturaleza" (God created nature)
"Dios quiere que los niños vayan a él" (God wants children to come to Him)
"Jesús murió por nosotros" (Jesus died for us)
"Nos limpia de nuestros pecados" (He cleanses us from sin)
"Dios es amor"(God is love)

It was from our youngest
And my heart was won!
Thank you, Son,
For these words you wrote
From the heavenly throne
To bless my Mother's heart!

God is awesome!
God is good!

Lilian Alice
Saturday night after giving my TKT exam
Pacheco, 24th March 2007

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Strength will rise as we wait upon the LORD!

Dear Servants of the Most High God and collaborators,
We keep praying for you and for your Nation!
We wait on God our strong deliverer
The defender of the weak
Who comforts those in need
Who lifts us up with wings like eagles!!!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Always giving thanks to God!

Sing and make music in your heart to the Lord, always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Ephesians 5: 19-20

Give thanks always, knowing that we have a God who never makes a mistake. It's a commitment to God's will, a way of life. It's being willing for His will in the things for which we are praying and in our personal live.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Keep trusting God!

Do not despise the LORD'S discipline
And do not resent His rebuke,
Because the LORD disciplines those He loves
As a Father the son he delights in.
Proverbs 3: 11-12

God assures us that the things which come into our lives and the things He sends will be used by Him to exercise us- to make us fit for the trials and tasks of life.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Never give up praying for people!

We have not stopped praying for you
and asking God to fill you with the knowledge of His will
through all spiritual wisdom and understanding.
Colossians 1:9

There is more power in praying for people than in preaching at people, especially when we have released them for God to answer our prayers in any way He desires.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

The LORD Reigns!

Let the heavens rejoice,
Let the earth be glad;
Let them say among the nations,
The LORD reigns!

1st. Chron.16:31

Yes, indeed!
The LORD reigns
And all that He has planned will come to pass,
In my life and yours.

Nobody can bend
His right arm!
Only prayer can!

God reveals truth to man.
God wants you to be his friend;
To walk by HIM and listen to His words.

He will guide and correct you;
He will straighten what is twisted.
He will heal what is wounded.

He makes a new way in the desert.
He changes the dry land
Into fountains of living water.

Our soul longs for Him
And thirsts;
We need to walk with Him
And talk to Him.

In the night time,
In the morning,
All through the day
God will make a way!

To follow Him closely
To feel His warmth and lovingkindness
To be like Him
To those in our world
We love You, LORD!


"Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful."


Prayer Motive:

For all the Nations of the WORLD.
May the gospel of Truth reach as many as possible.
May the power of Salvation be there for each one!
We love YOU LORD!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

There is no other ROCK!

This is the Perito Moreno Glaciar
With its ice walls rising up to 200 ft high!
Only a third of its real size appears to the eye.
The other two thirds reach downwards!
This is the deepest part of the lake!
Wonder of wonders!

But now the LORD who created you says,
Don't be afraid, for I have ransomed you;
I have called you by my name;
You are mine.
When you go through deep waters and great trouble,
I will be with you.
When you go through rivers of difficulty,
you will not drown!
Isaiah 43:1,2

You are my witnesses and my servants,
Chosen to know and to believe me
And to understand that I alone am God.
There is no other God;
There never was and never will be.
Isaiah 43:10

Don't, don't be afraid.
Haven't I proclaimed from ages past
That I would save you?
You are my witnesses-is there any other God?
No! None that I know about!
There is no other ROCK!
Isaiah 44:8

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

You are esteemed by God!

You are esteemed by God
Just like a favorite son
He bathes your feet
In soothing comfort and balm
You are protected with strong bolts
Of iron and bronze
And your strength will match
the length of your days!

There is none like God!
He descends from the heavens
In majestic splendor to help you
The eternal God is your refuge
And underneath are
The everlasting arms!
The LORD is with you
He protects you!


Monday, August 2, 2010

God is our refuge in times of trouble!

Neither height nor depth,
Nor anything else
In all creation
Can separate us
From the love of God
That is in Christ Jesus, Our LORD.

No matter what forsakenness
Engulfs me
I can experience God's
Unchanging steadfastness.
He is my rock.
He is my God;
My refuge in times of trouble.

Some trust in chariots
Others in horses
But I will remember,
I will boast in the name of God,
The LORD my GOD,
Jehova, my Elohim,
Great El Olam,
The One who was,
Who is and is to come!


Tuesday, July 27, 2010

God is thinking about you constantly!

You might feel poor an needy,
Yet the LORD is thinking about you right now!
He knows the plans He has for you
They are plans for good and not for evil.

It is not what we would work out
Even if we put our heads together
His ways and thoughts are so much higher
Than my thoughts or yours!

How precious you are to Him
He thinks about you constantly
I cannot even count the times a day
His thoughts are turning towards us!

And when you awaken in the morning
He is still thinking about you
Oh, how deep and wonderful his thoughts are
He is the LORD of miracles!

Many, and many a time He has done great miracles!
Nothing is impossible for God!
And you are ever in his thoughts!
He is just waiting for us to turn to Him!

God has chosen poor people to be rich in faith,
And the Kingdom of Heaven is theirs
For that is the gift He has promised
To all those who will love HIM!

We own nothing,
And yet we enyoy everything
The endless treasures are available
Just one thought away from YOU!!!


Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Never give up singing joyfully!

Everything God does
Is worthy of our trust!
Lets well up in praise to the LORD
As we rejoice in singing!
His eyes are watching over us
As we rely on His steady LOVE!

He protects us like a shield,
His constant love surrounds us!
Our hopes are in Him alone
As He is close to those
Whose hearts are breaking!

He rescues those who are humbly
Sorry for their sins!
He will redeem those who serve Him!
Everyone who takes refuge in Him
Will be freely pardoned!

If you belong to the LORD,
Reverence Him
For everyone who does this
Has everything he needs!
Those who reverence the LORD
Will never lack any GOOD THING!!!


Monday, June 14, 2010

We live under His wings of love!

He will shield you with His wings! He will shelter you! His faithful promises are your armor! We live within the shadow of the Almighty, Sheltered by the God who is above all Gods! LORD, through all generations, You have been our HOME, Before the mountains were created, Before the earth was formed! We glide along the tides of time Being lifted up with wings like eagles To conquer every mountain To KNOW we are but THINE!!! L.A.K.M.

Monday, June 7, 2010

He will quiet you with His love!

He will quiet you with his love.
The book of Zephaniah says that God sings over us,
He rejoices in his love for us!
Our mighty, strong, all powerful God dances and sings!
How appropriate then are these expressions
as his created beings!

God says He has hidden his wisdom from the wise men
and revealed it to those who seek Him
with humble and contrite hearts!

Little children and new born babes express true praise!
We need to become like them in innocence and purity
in order to enter into God's Heavenly Kingdom.

Pursue holiness, without which
no one will see the LORD!
We love HIM
because He first loved us!!!
God loves you!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Where I'm from

I'm from togetherness and sharing
and singing along with you
From building house trees
and gardens of green
the ash and sycamore trees,
the golden blazing autumn sun!
I am from sitting round the table
to talk after meals
From sisters and brothers,
and riding on the campus bus
travelling, taking pictures
and volley-ball on the beach!
From encourage one another,
see the positive side
You cand do it
Have fun!
Big hug,

Sunday, May 30, 2010

The whole earth is full of his glory!

Holy is the LORD of Hosts!
The whole earth is full of his glory!
At the entrance of the tabernacle they fell
face downward before the LORD;
and the glory of Jehovah appeared to them!
He is good!
His loving-kindness lasts forever!
The glory of the LORD coming as a bright cloud
filled the temple!
The heavens are telling the glory of God;
They are a marvelous display of his craftsmanship!!!
Day and night they keep telling about God…
Praise his glory and his strength
Praise him for his majestic glory,
The glory of his name!!!
The voice of the LORD echoes from the clouds.
The God of glory thunders through the skies.
So powerful is his voice,
So full of majesty!

Monday, May 24, 2010

The May Revolution in 1810

The May Revolution was a week-long series of revolutionary events that took place from May 18 to May 25, 1810, in Buenos Aires, capital of the Viceroyalty of the Río de la Plata, a colony of the Spanish Empire which included the present-day nations of Argentina, Bolivia, Paraguay and Uruguay. The consequences of these events were the ousting of Viceroy Baltasar Hidalgo de Cisneros and the establishment of a local government, the Primera Junta (First Junta) on May 25. These events are commemorated in Argentina as "May Week" (Spanish: Semana de Mayo).

The May Revolution was a direct reaction to developments in Spain during the previous two years. In 1808 the Spanish king, Ferdinand VII had been convinced to abdicate by Napoleon in his favor, who granted the throne to his brother, Joseph Bonaparte. A Supreme Central Junta had lead a resistance to Joseph's government and the French occupation of Spain, but eventually suffered a series of reversals resulting in the loss of the northern half of the country. On February 1, 1810, French troops took Seville and gained control of most of Andalusia. The Supreme Junta retreated to Cadiz and dissolved itself in favor of a Regency Council of Spain and the Indies. News of this arrived in Buenos Aires in May 18 on British ships bringing newspapers from Spain and the rest of Europe.

Initially, Viceroy Cisneros tried to conceal the news in order to maintain the political status quo, but he was unsuccessful. With the news of the turn of events in Spain, a group of Criollo lawyers and military officials organized an open cabildo (an extraordinary meeting of notables of the city) on May 22 to decide the future of the Viceroyalty. At this meeting it was decided to deny recognition to the Council of Regency in Spain, to end Cisneros' mandate as Viceroy since the government that appointed him no longer existed, and to establish a junta to govern in his place. In order to maintain a sense of continuity, Cisneros himself was initially appointed as the President of the Junta. However, this caused a great deal of popular unrest since it ran counter to the reasons for which his mandate was ended, so Cisneros resigned under pressure on May 25. Subsequently, the newly formed Primera Junta invited the other cities of the Viceroyalty to send delegates to join the Buenos Aires Junta, but this resulted in the outbreak of war between the regions that accepted the outcome of the events at Buenos Aires, and those that did not.

The May Revolution is considered the starting point of the Argentine War of Independence, although no formal declaration of independence was issued at the time, and the Primera Junta continued to govern in the name of the deposed Spanish king. As similar events occurred in many other cities of the Spanish South America when news of the dissolution of the Spanish Supreme Junta arrived, the May Revolution is also considered as one of the starting points for the Spanish American wars of independence. Historians today debate whether the revolutionaries were truly loyal to Ferdinand VII, or whether the declaration of fidelity to the king was a necessary ruse to conceal the true objective of achieving independence from a population that was not ready yet to accept such a radical change. A formal Declaration of Independence was only issued at the Congress of Tucumán on July 9, 1816

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Don´t give up celebrating!

Today as we celebrate Pentecost, the coming of the Holy Spirit of God after Jesus Ascension, we look back to all God has done in our lives. How He has guided us with love and patience and helped us grow into who we are. And above all we thank Him for the gift of his Son Jesus Christ, as Jesus said in Acts 1:8 " you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you; and you shall be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria and to the end of the earth". Today I thank God for those early men who empowered by his Spirit certainly were true witnesses of Jesus and wrote the New Testament for us to read, stand, live and if necessary die for!
I thank God for men who laid down their lives for the Holy Word and I rejoice at God's wonderful plan for mankind that stands unchanged through the ages! For God so loved the World that HE GAVE his only begotten Son that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life! Today I thank God for his light, his truth and his LOVE!!!
Big hug to you, my brethren!!! Happy Pentecost!!!

Friday, May 14, 2010

Keep on trusting!

The apostle John wrote about Jesus being the LIGHT of this world sent by God so that we would turn to Him. There is no shadow or darkness in God. He is absolutely perfect and still He wants us to relate to Him!
He scoops down like a Father who bends to talk to his little one and in his heart He thrills at the sound of our voice! He seems to say: "Can you trust me?"..."Can I help you?"...
No one has seen God except Moses who saw his back.
Jesus is the reflection of His Father.
He really cared for others.
He saw them.
He loved them!
He would wake up at dawn
To go and pray on the lonely hills
Surrounding the Sea of Galilee.
He prayed for you and for me
That we would have peace,
That we would turn to Him!
I have found a true friend in Jesus.
I have become his follower!
I am one of His fans.
He has taught me
That in laying down my life for others
I can find true joy and true LOVE!
He only knocks at the door of our hearts
And waits...


Friday, May 7, 2010

May our trials and temptations help us to grow!

Dear one:
Is your life full of difficulties and temptations?
Then be happy, for when the way is rough,
your patience has a chance to grow.
So let it grow, and don´t try to squirm out of your problems
for when your patience is finally in full bloom,
then you will be ready for anything,
strong in character, full and complete!

Don't give up singing!

A bird does not sing because it has an answer.
It sings because it has a song.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Trust in Love!

No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted!

One of my students came with a small scroll and gave it to me:"Miss Lilian", he said, " this when you feel sad or concerned". So when the time came I opened it. The print was written in liquid paper over an inverted typed message. It said big and clear: "Trust in LOVE!"

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Living water!

 "If you knew the gift of God, and who it is that is saying to you, ‘Give me a drink,’ you would have asked him, and he would have given you living water." The woman said to him, ‘Sir, you have nothing to draw with, and the well is deep; where do you get that living water?”

Here at your feet
She found what she had been longing to receive!
She found truth, love and living water!
She found someone who knew everything about her
and still did not condemn her.

She found a Savior,
She found her Master,
She found a friend!

Oh, that we too may sit by the well
To listen, to rest...
To find loyalty, guidance, wisdom and joy!
To just know HIM!
What more could we need?

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Thank you for your blessings!

Thank you, Dearest LORD of my life,
For all the blessings you bestow
Upon this humble, trusting child!

I am forever grateful as I know
How precious, true and bright
Is my future by your side!

Every step I take I love you more,
My Hope, my Strength and my Delight
Because to YOU I feel so close!!!


Thursday, March 18, 2010

He shines through!

I am but a pilgrim here on Earth
Where Jesus is my guide!
His WORD, my daily bread,
Shines through, forever bright!

So soft His healing touch,
His gentle words so kind!
They comfort and sustain,
Bringing truth and hope, new life!


Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Be brave!

Don't you yet understand?
Don't you know by now that the everlasting God,
The creator of the farthest parts of the Earth,
Never grows faint or weary?
He gives power to the tired and worn out,
And strength to the weak.

Fear not,
For I am with you.
Do not be dismayed.
I am your God.
I will strengthen you;
I will uphold you with my victorious right hand.

Though once you were very far away from God,
Now you have been brought very near Him
Because of what Christ has done for you...

Don't be impatient.
Wait for the LORD,
And He will come and save you!
Be brave, stout-hearted and courageous.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Singing in the night

Lord of my life,
may your will be done
all over this land.

As your chosen bride
to you, my Beloved, I come
and by you, faithfully stand.

You are my Delight
my portion and my Love
who holds me by the hand.

You have shone your light
'till all my hurts dissolve
in warmth and healing balm.

I am singing in the night
my prayer, my thanks, my song
your truth is all I want!

Saturday, February 6, 2010

May all your tomorrows be bathed in this LOVE!

Can your heart be so grateful it almost breaks?
Can you feel so much love it makes you cry?
Will we ever comprehend God's unconditional love?

Has He taken you over mountains high,
taught you where the heart draws nigh?
Can Heaven be so deep as His presence with us?

Can His hug reach to the sky and back?
There is no rift too wide,
no oceans too vast
to stop Him
because the LORD is there
and always will be
as far as a simple prayer!

May all your tomorrows be bathed in this love!
May He fill your heart
and help you become
all that you were meant to be
in His eternal plan!
Be blessed in this hope!