Saturday, December 31, 2011

Like the waves of the sea

"I am the LORD your God
who teaches you to profit,
who leads you in the way you should go.
O that you had hearkened to my commandments!
Then your peace would have been like a river,
 and your righteousness like the waves of the sea;
Your offspring would have been like the sand,
and your descendants like its grains;
their names would never be cut off
or destroyed from before me"
Isaiah 48: 17-19

You know how he has cared for you
again and again here in the wilderness,
just like a father cares for his child!

He has given you all of the present
and all of the future.

All are yours to enjoy
and you belong to God!

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Your days of mourning all will end!

Trials and sorrows, sickness and death
even nature suffers, groans and sighs
to be realeased from the pain and the hurt!

When trouble comes is there a place to go?
Who will feed the hungry?
Who will bring healing and comfort
to those sick, lonely and lost?
Teacher, don't you even care that we are all about to drown?

The LORD is good.
When trouble comes He is the place to go!
And He knows everyone who trusts in Him!
He is good to everyone, and his compassion is intertwined with everything he does.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Above all else seek wisdom

The man who knows right from wrong and has good judgment and common sense is happier than the man who is rich! Proverbos 3:13

The Lord says: "Let not the wise man bask  in his wisdom, nor the mighty man in his might, nor the rich man in his riches. Let them boast in this alone: that they truly know me, and understand that I am the Lord of justice and of righteousness whose love is steadfast; and that I love to be this way". Jeremiah 9: 23,24.

The reverence and fear of God are basic to all wisdom.
 Proverbs 9:10

Sunday, October 16, 2011

He is the Prince of Peace

He is the Prince of Peace.
His righteousness is only exceeded by his love!
Help him to give justice to your people.
Glory to God and peace on earth to those pleasing him!

The mercy of our God is very tender..
Heaven's dawn is about to break upon us,
to give light to those who sit in darkness and death's shadow,
and to guide us to the path of peace.

May you have peace of heart and mind.
Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows,
but cheer up, for He has overcome the world,
 leaving you with a gift: peace of mind and heart!

God's peace...
far more wonderful than the human mind can understand.
His peace will keep your thoughts and hearts
quiet and at rest as you trust in Him.
So do not be troubled or afraid!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Buds of life!

To think that in Spring
every little leaf and bud
remembers that it is
time to sprout
and open up...
Such dear promise
of faithful, fresh, pure life
and they know it is time
because of the light!

Monday, August 8, 2011

Morning splendor

But the good man walks along in the ever-brightening light of God's favor; the dawn gives way to morning splendor. 

Proverbs 4:18

"And this is eternal life, it means to know, (to perceive, to become acquainted with), and to understand you, the only real and true God, and (likewise) to know Him, Jesus Christ, (the anointed One, the Messiah), whom you have sent" John 17: 3.

Oh, that we may know Him who is perfect in all his attributes and who can become our focus, our example and great leader. Let us press on to know Him, and He will respond to us as surely as the coming dawn or the rain in early spring.

We need to become mirrors that reflect the glory of the LORD, to let His Spirit work within us, to become more and more like Him.

 "I will come and do for you all the good things I have promised. For I know the plans I have for you, says the LORD. They are plans for good and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope. In those days when you pray, I will listen. You will find me when you seek me, if you look for me in earnest." Jeremiah 29:10-13

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Let us turn to the LORD!

God wants to quench our thirst,
to give us food that fattens up the soul,
to make an everlasting covenant with us
to give us unfailing mercies and love!

As soft as the morning sunshine
let His glory warm your being
Seek the LORD,
call upon Him!

Banish from your mind,
the very thought of doing wrong
Let us turn to the LORD,
for He will abundantly pardon!

Sunday, July 17, 2011

God's meeting point

"Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest."

Do you find yourself longing for some holidays, a time to rest from the tyranny of the urgent to read some good book or go for walks, a swim or practice that sport which you have been putting off for a while?

 Jacob left Beer-Sheba and went toward Haran. He reached a certain place and spent the night there because the sun had set. He took one of the stones from the place, put it there at his head, and lay down in that place. And he dreamed: A stairway was set on the ground with its top reaching heaven, and God’s angels were going up and down on it. Yahweh was standing there beside him, saying, ‘I am Yahweh, the God of your father, Abraham and the God of Isaac. I will give you and your offspring the land that you are now sleeping on. Your offspring will be like the dust of the earth, and you will spread out toward the west, the east, the north, and the south. All the peoples on earth will be blessed through you and your offspring. Look, I am with you and will be with you wherever you go. I will bring you back to this land, for I will not leave you until I have done what I have promised you.’

Jacob was running away for his life, he was running away from his past, he was running away from the consequences of his actions and from his brother's anger. His mother urged him to flee; his father blessed him with a purpose and a mission, and Jacob kept going but felt exhausted so when dusk and night settled in he lay down to sleep. That is when God met him. From heaven came a stairway to meet him right where he was, a spiritual encounter, a promise that God fulfilled.

How many times when all human resources are gone and we feel exhausted God meets us right where we are, just like this heavenly stairway where angels go up and down, God's resources come from heaven to meet and supply all of our needs, to show us the way, to confirm his word and promise to us. It is then that we are finally still and acknowledge that He is the source of power and wisdom and love!

Rest easy, let God take your burden, your tiredness and frustration. His grace is sufficient. He will make a way. He will meet you right there where you are. You just need to look up!

Friday, June 24, 2011

Courage in the midst of pain

Lunch is always delicious at school and more so as we chat over meals with my colleagues.

It was chilly and cold as I wrapped my overcoat around my neck and walked down the path towards the Primary Building. Then I saw him. One of my former students was sitting alone on the wooden bench, his face covered in sadness.

"Hello how is everything alright?"
"What happened, you seem very sad."
"My grandfather died!"

"Oh I 'm so sorry to hear this. You must have loved him very much."
"Where you very close to him?"

"Was he your Mum or your Dad´s Father?"
"My Mum's"
"When did he die?"
"This morning."

"But hasn't your family come to fetch you?"
"No, I wanted to come to school, because if I stay home its worse."
"Oh, I understand. It is so hard to lose someone we love."

My heart went out to him. I saw a very brave young man. He was not a child anymore. He decided to come to school in spite of his pain and he bore it bravely. The bell rang and it was time to work.

 As we headed back to the main building we talked of our loses and the grief process. We remembered that the more we grieve the more valuable the person we lost is so that we can also be very thankful for the times we spent together. What a gift to have had someone to love and to be loved in return!

Friday, June 17, 2011

May his blessing and peace be yours!

May his blessing and peace be yours
sent from his heavenly throne.
How we praise our Father and LORD
who has blessed us with every blessing
because we belong
to his dearly and beloved one!

Long, long ago, even before he made the world,
God chose us to be his very own,
through what he would do for us;
He decided then to make us holy in his eyes,
without a single fault
because we stand covered in his love!

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Like the mellowing sun

Drinking from the fountain
I got up to stretch.
It was almost sunset,
the time for our appointment.

I almost missed it
but I had come.
 I climed the ladder
way over the trees.

Warmth settled in
like the mellowing sun;
because you were near
I found perfect peace.

Only You could still
the hunger of my soul.
By your side I want to be
your purpose to fulfill.

Oh, to know such perfect bliss
as the blending of our souls;
to cherish and behold
the One who made us His!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Our covenant promise

Golden harvest, 
fruit of the vine
 Flower's perfume,
 love's delight
 Covenant promise,
 light divine!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Keep on keeping on

Along life’s road are obstacles
Our choice becomes a test;
Let’s seek wisdom to know our way
That we might choose what is best!

Keep on keeping on
Do not give in to stress
Take it one step at a time
Until you’ve gained success!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Practicing hospitality

The greatest love is shown when a person
 lays down his life for his friends.

I have been reading about a people who show 
 outstanding hospitality to their guests,
offering protection and great kindness towards them.
 There is so much joy in sharing with a friend!
There were two sisters and a brother
 who loved to have their friend over.
 They would sit for hours on end
 to chat or go for walks
 and think deep thoughts.

One day one of them was so busy fixing dinner
while the other sister simply sat at her Rabi's feet
 to listen to Him.
This caused the busy one to complain
 and she asked her friend to scold her sister
 and tell her to help with the chores.
 "Martha, Martha,  you are so worked up
 and fretting  but your sister has chosen the best part
 and I will not take it from her!".

The best part of our day is listening to our Teacher,
 the one we love, the one who is our guest!
We can still go about our chores,
 getting busy and all
but we do not need to fret!
The more we work together,
 the happier we will be.
We are never alone
when our hearts are tuned to Him!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Loving one another

Dear brothers,
I am not writing a new rule for you to obey,
for it is an old one you have always had,
right form the start.
You have heard it all before
yet it is always new,
and it works for you
just as it did in the past;
and as we obey this commandment
to love one another,
the darkness in our lives dissapears
and the new light of life shines in!

Monday, March 28, 2011

With roots deep in your love

I have stilled and quieted myself,
just like a small child
is quiet with its mother
My soul longs
to be close to yours
to listen to what you have to say.

To release all of my cares
as I draw close and lean my head on your shoulder
with Your strong arm around me
I am reminded that I am safe,
I am cared for
and you are watching over me!

I rest against your heart
as I am determined
to walk your narrow path,
to delight myself
in doing all you want,
to meditate in your words.

To follow you more closely,
Oh, that I may stand among the godly
Do not let me blow away like chaff
before the wind
but may I stand firm in my belief
with roots deep in your love!

Monday, March 14, 2011

Building Bridges

 One of my favorite sayings is
 "I'm out to build bridges"
I first read it in Ann Kiemel's book
called "I'm celebrating"
A bridge establishes a connection, the ability to extend oneself from one zone and reach out to another. This takes courage, effort, a willingness to risk, to share, to relate. A bridge also takes us above canyons, rivers of difficulty, rifts, onto the other side. It ends our loneliness as we connect to others,  it takes us beyond our circumstances and opens our eyes to the world around us giving us great opportunities to empathize.
People who have this friendly attitude towards others, who are willing to build relationships, who are good listeners with a caring attitude, sharing, smiling, inviting others to join in, bring warmth and light to our lives and to those around. Never give up building bridges!

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Finding a Solution

Last year during our Science lessons in Year 3 we were doing all sorts of experiments in the classroom like mixing solids, preparing a salad, preparing juice, learning about solutions, and mixtures and how to separate them.

During the test the students had to explain these definitions and one little guy comes up with an answer that had nothing to do with Science but made me laugh. He wrote: "A solution is when two students are fighting and the teacher sits them on opposite sides to talk things through!"

Well if a solution is when one kind of matter dissolves into another, he surely came up with a creative answer. He did not give the answer I was looking for but he reminded me of the many times I had taught them to solve conflicts by talking things over. Relationships are always more important than being right or winning an argument. Never give up finding a solution!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Planting good seeds

A man will reap just the kind of crop he sows!
Experience teaches us that those who sow trouble will reap the same. "They have sown wind and they will reap the whirlwind" said the prophet. If people sow for their own wrong desires they will reap decay and spiritual death.
Instead the good man's reward lasts forever. If he plants the good things of the Spirit, he will reap the everlasting life which the Holy Spirit gives him. And let us not get tired of doing what is right, for after a while we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don't get discouraged and give up.
That is why whenever we can we should always be kind to everyone, especially to our mothers and fathers, brothers and sisters, to the widows and orphans in our world.
It is possible to give away and become richer! It is also possible to hold on too tightly and lose everything. Yes, the generous person shall be rich! By watering others, he waters himself. If you give a little, you will get little. A farmer who plants just a few seeds will get only a small crop, but if he plants much, he will reap much.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Using those gifts we have

Our hearts ache, but at the same time we have the joy of the Lord. We are poor, but we give rich spiritual gifts to others. We own nothing, and yet we enjoy everything.
2. Cor 6:10
This week we took a whole day course at work about Team-building. After every exercise we had to write an answer to a question and keep it in our pockets. The trainer kept saying that these were our gifts!
So we had to choose someone we had never talked to before and go listen for a couple of minutes how that person had felt last year and at the beginning of this one. Then it was our turn to share with no interruptions. After that we were asked to answer the following question: What makes a good listener?

Another exercise was standing hand in hand in a big circle and without letting go getting all mixed into a knot without hurting each other. Then we were told to untangle the knot and retrace our steps. The question we needed to answer was: What is needed to resolve conflicts?

One of the ones I most liked was when each of us had to choose an instrument from a pile and go to explore it on our own trying to make it sound. Then we had to explore other instruments which others had chosen as we all walked about the room. Finally we had to find those that were similar and prepare a piece of music all together without using words.
As we sat in a circle with our groups and listened to the different pieces we had prepared we were awed at the richness in variety and styles, rhythm and melody; everybody had added up to the orchestra.

Some were invited to direct the groups in performing and this was to answer the question: How can you best lead a team?
 The answer to each one of this questions is a gift we can give to each other, to our families, to our teams, to our world. Use those gifts you have!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

How deep are your thoughts!

We keep on praying and asking
for you to teach us what we ought
but you have taught us
 with your example, Oh LORD!
Oh that you will make yourself more and more
at home in our hearts as we surrender them to you!
With roots going down deep into your own heart
may we be filled with this love
for your ways and thoughts
are so much higher than ours!
Who else can do such glorious things?
No one else can be compared with you!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

There is a sweet, sweet Spirit

There is a sweet, sweet Spirit
in this place
and I know that its the Spirit of the LORD!
How can it be?
That Thou lives in me,
the One who was from the beginning,
the One who is
who was
and is to come!
O my Great El Olam
you are more than welcome
what a privilege to share
my simple days with you;
I am never alone
because you are so close!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

In the morning

Sweet freshness
in the wet garden
Birds softly chirping
Whispers of love
softly spoken
Waves of hope
tidings of comfort bring
Springing delight
as prayers are lifted,
awaiting, seeking
in great expectation
to be known,
to be cared for
You are with me
in the morning
A new beginning,
light floods my heart
I can walk with you
I can love you today
with all my might and strength!

Friday, January 28, 2011

And He will raise you up

Those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not be weary, they will walk and not faint. Isaiah 40:31

We need not become discouraged thinking God is unwilling or unable to help us. He has not forgotten us, nor has He lost his power. Through Him the weak can be made strong. Those who trust in their own strength will fail, no matter how capable they may appear to be. But those who trust in the LORD will be constantly strengthened by his power, which will lead them on victoriously.

Monday, January 24, 2011


 Whatever your gift, talent or trade He promises to train you step by step.
We are blessed when we keep His statues and seek Him with all our hearts. We have been called to walk before Him and be blameless. It is required that stewards be found faithful. An overseer must be above reproach!
He who is faithful in a little is also faithful in much. We are called to worship the LORD in holiness. The Father seeks those who will do so in spirit and in truth. All Nations will come before Him to worship!
 He is made to us sanctification by the Spirit. Presenting our limbs as slaves to righteousness produces sanctification. The one who called you is faithful!
God made man upright; the fruit of the Spirit is faithfulness.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Trusting God's Plan for our lives

"God's way may be harder for you, but it will be easier on you." H. Hanson

Salam! Shalom! 
Have peace of heart and mind.
We may have many trials and sorrows here on earth but cheer up for He has overcome the world!

In trusting and in confidence will be our strength. Sometimes we forget to walk by faith and not by sight or we find it hard to keep still and to simply know that He is God.

It always helps me to remember Joseph and his brothers. How he must have felt in the pit, probably hurt, soiled and very thirsty but it was the time to look up and wait on God to save Him!

Then he was sold by his brothers to the Egyptian Caravan! He must have yelled his lungs out pleading and sobbing that they would stop!

Judah heard and never forgave himself. The cries of his young brother tormented him for years waking him up in the night. If only he could make things right. But it seems he went from bad to worse marrying outside his people; later his sons were not brought up in the Covenant fear of God and turned to be evil men. But finally he had his chance when he married Tamar and did justice to her! Maybe he finally made his peace with God then and was able to return to his Father's household.

Many years later Joseph was reunited with his brothers and told them that all that they had meant for harm God had meant for good to save his whole family and to save many Nations!

I love this about our God! He has overcome our limitations! He can turn what was meant for evil into good! How amazing! I cannot help trusting Him!

Do rejoice with me, in His love and perfect plans for us!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Waiting on Him

We had come a long way on this beautiful sunny day
I had started early with mates and intimate prayer
There was so much to thank Him for...

Through the window I could see the Port,
beautiful Ushuaia surrounded by snowy mountains
We had taken these days to celebrate and rest.

I had waited expectantly for He had promised
I longed for Him more than sentinels long for the dawn
and He had come!

The eternal God has been our refuge
His arms have sustained us
His words have nourished our hungry souls!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Because the LORD determines your steps!

In his heart a man plans his course, but the LORD determines his steps. Proverbs 16:9
Maybe, just maybe, we are planning in one direction and God's will is in another direction. God might say, "Hold everything! Turn around and go this way".
Other times He might say "Wait and pray!"

He is able to do immerasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us. Ephesians 3:20

Commit your way to the LORD and He will straighten your path. Proverbs 3:6

I love these verses.

Remember queen Esther. How she prayed and fasted with all her people when she waited even a onther day, and still another, until God's intervention was perfect and timely and they were all saved from being slaughtered!

Lets spend some time thanking God for his guidance and perfect timing in our lives as we commit this New Year to Him.