Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Press on Towards Jesus

Christ in You, the hope of Glory!!

Rejoice for it is all about Him.
His roots sustain and nourish us.
His power perfects itself in our weakness.
His guidance all along life's journey.
His hand holding our right hand!!

Enjoy this fellowship with Jesus,
Our Redeemer, Gentle Shepherd, 
Heavenly Father, Holy, Holy, Holy!!
Blessed be your name!!
Forever and ever. Amen

Monday, December 30, 2019

Press on towards Jesus

Be Still. Stand Firm. Be watchful. God performs miracles. Like dividing the Red Sea in two and opening a Way for them to pass on dry ground.

Open our eyes LORD...

We will see His Salvation!!
He will always be there. He will help us.
Even while we are praying we will see the salvation of the LORD:
His handiwork, his mighty deeds!!

We will keep records!!
It does build our confidence!!
Let us never give the enemy negative words that he would use to form weapons against us, but lets recite God Word and Stand on his Promises!!

Monday 30 Dec 2019