Wednesday, September 29, 2010

The LORD Reigns!

Let the heavens rejoice,
Let the earth be glad;
Let them say among the nations,
The LORD reigns!

1st. Chron.16:31

Yes, indeed!
The LORD reigns
And all that He has planned will come to pass,
In my life and yours.

Nobody can bend
His right arm!
Only prayer can!

God reveals truth to man.
God wants you to be his friend;
To walk by HIM and listen to His words.

He will guide and correct you;
He will straighten what is twisted.
He will heal what is wounded.

He makes a new way in the desert.
He changes the dry land
Into fountains of living water.

Our soul longs for Him
And thirsts;
We need to walk with Him
And talk to Him.

In the night time,
In the morning,
All through the day
God will make a way!

To follow Him closely
To feel His warmth and lovingkindness
To be like Him
To those in our world
We love You, LORD!


"Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful."


Prayer Motive:

For all the Nations of the WORLD.
May the gospel of Truth reach as many as possible.
May the power of Salvation be there for each one!
We love YOU LORD!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

There is no other ROCK!

This is the Perito Moreno Glaciar
With its ice walls rising up to 200 ft high!
Only a third of its real size appears to the eye.
The other two thirds reach downwards!
This is the deepest part of the lake!
Wonder of wonders!

But now the LORD who created you says,
Don't be afraid, for I have ransomed you;
I have called you by my name;
You are mine.
When you go through deep waters and great trouble,
I will be with you.
When you go through rivers of difficulty,
you will not drown!
Isaiah 43:1,2

You are my witnesses and my servants,
Chosen to know and to believe me
And to understand that I alone am God.
There is no other God;
There never was and never will be.
Isaiah 43:10

Don't, don't be afraid.
Haven't I proclaimed from ages past
That I would save you?
You are my witnesses-is there any other God?
No! None that I know about!
There is no other ROCK!
Isaiah 44:8

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

You are esteemed by God!

You are esteemed by God
Just like a favorite son
He bathes your feet
In soothing comfort and balm
You are protected with strong bolts
Of iron and bronze
And your strength will match
the length of your days!

There is none like God!
He descends from the heavens
In majestic splendor to help you
The eternal God is your refuge
And underneath are
The everlasting arms!
The LORD is with you
He protects you!
