Friday, October 9, 2015

The Anchor of our Soul

To find rest in God
you need to trust Him completely.
Open your heart to God
through prayer and petition
and thanksgiving.
He is the God who sees us,
who hears us.
He is attentive to our prayers;
A very present help in trouble.
Resting in God
 also means waiting in Him.
He is the anchor of our soul.

Sunday, July 26, 2015

His Love Surrounds You

His love surrounds you
 since the moment the World was made.
You have been planned.
You have been loved.
So much that He gave his life
so that we could be free
from sin and fear and death.
Trust Him.
Love Him.
Let Him fill your heart
with his amazing love and peace.

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Love shines in the darkness

Love shines in the darkness
with warmth and acceptance.
He loved the Father,
he was the Son of Man,
the Glory of the Living God.
He loved the world so much
that He gave of himself,
his very life.
A Living Sacrifice,
the embodiment of True Love
If we follow Him,
we will share his heart,
we will understand.
The True Light
will dawn on us.

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

He leads us on

To search God and find him
To walk close beside him
To hear the rustling of the leaves
the fresh air in the breeze...

There is a path of life
that leads us on...

Monday, May 25, 2015

Count it all Joy

My dear Father arrived in Heaven in March this year after bravely fighting a pancreatic cancer  for many, many months. Through it all he completed his chemos and treatments dutifully always thanking his doctors and nurses for their kindness. His arms showed the blues of  the times he was hydrated with IV through his veins. He wanted to be with us all as much as he could. He loved his family dearly. He loved God's people. He loved all people. He served in the five continents. He loved and prayed for his 18 grandchildren.
He planned his own Memorial Service and wanted us to take chairs for the elderly. We sang worship songs to God who gave him to us for 73 years.
 We loved him, too!!! 
"We will meet again, daddy, 
We will sing together once more
We are on our way there!!"