Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Unfailing Love

 We have prayed & continue to pray that God will bless his people & that we may serve him with joy, strength & love, in humble adoration of Him who gave all of Himself to show us the Way. Thank you Jesus Christ for your love & example!! 🙌

Tuesday, November 2, 2021

Trusting God

The LORD will fight for you, you need only to be still. 

Exodus 14:14

Faith means you trust God. It is the assurance of things hoped for even when you still do not see them in the natural realm.

When God calls you to do his will he will also provide the strength and everything else that is needed.

He is the same God that opened the Red Sea when Moses prayed & extended his heart to Him in prayer!

He is the same God that allowed for Ruth to help her mother in law and stay with Naomi. Now both widows God took care of them, even providing that Boaz married Ruth! 

God is an amazing 'Good Planner'. He will expect us to wait on Him because He will always come to our rescue and His timing is perfect!