Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Never give up singing joyfully!

Everything God does
Is worthy of our trust!
Lets well up in praise to the LORD
As we rejoice in singing!
His eyes are watching over us
As we rely on His steady LOVE!

He protects us like a shield,
His constant love surrounds us!
Our hopes are in Him alone
As He is close to those
Whose hearts are breaking!

He rescues those who are humbly
Sorry for their sins!
He will redeem those who serve Him!
Everyone who takes refuge in Him
Will be freely pardoned!

If you belong to the LORD,
Reverence Him
For everyone who does this
Has everything he needs!
Those who reverence the LORD
Will never lack any GOOD THING!!!


Monday, June 14, 2010

We live under His wings of love!

He will shield you with His wings! He will shelter you! His faithful promises are your armor! We live within the shadow of the Almighty, Sheltered by the God who is above all Gods! LORD, through all generations, You have been our HOME, Before the mountains were created, Before the earth was formed! We glide along the tides of time Being lifted up with wings like eagles To conquer every mountain To KNOW we are but THINE!!! L.A.K.M.

Monday, June 7, 2010

He will quiet you with His love!

He will quiet you with his love.
The book of Zephaniah says that God sings over us,
He rejoices in his love for us!
Our mighty, strong, all powerful God dances and sings!
How appropriate then are these expressions
as his created beings!

God says He has hidden his wisdom from the wise men
and revealed it to those who seek Him
with humble and contrite hearts!

Little children and new born babes express true praise!
We need to become like them in innocence and purity
in order to enter into God's Heavenly Kingdom.

Pursue holiness, without which
no one will see the LORD!
We love HIM
because He first loved us!!!
God loves you!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Where I'm from

I'm from togetherness and sharing
and singing along with you
From building house trees
and gardens of green
the ash and sycamore trees,
the golden blazing autumn sun!
I am from sitting round the table
to talk after meals
From sisters and brothers,
and riding on the campus bus
travelling, taking pictures
and volley-ball on the beach!
From encourage one another,
see the positive side
You cand do it
Have fun!
Big hug,