Saturday, September 15, 2012

Do not be anxious

In the book of Mathew, our Lord Jesus has told us not to be anxious about our lives, what we shall eat or what we shall drink, nor about our body, what we shall put on. He has said our life is more than food, and our bodies more than clothing. Then he invites us to look at the birds of the air, who neither sow nor reap, and yet our Heavenly Father feeds them. If he provides for the birds will he not provide for the very people he has created?

It does not say here that we should not work, or get busy in earning a living, or keep up with our responsibilities. The birds do work very hard all day long in building their homes and fetching their food. It says we should not be anxious. The root word for being anxious in the greek is "merizo"  and it means to apportion or bestow or disunite; to differ, distribute, divide. When we are anxious our thoughts are divided, our attention is disunited, our focus is distributed. That is why it makes even more sense when He recommends us not to be anxious about tomorrow.

God wants us to be whole and to face each situation with an undivided attention. This will enable us to concentrate in making good decisions, to be efficient in our work, and  it will let us enjoy life and be happy. God wants us to have peace of mind.

Today is a gift,
 a list of things to do,
 people to listen to,
 prayers to lift, 
Thank yous to give. 

Tomorrow will bring
 its own trouble
for us to face;
tomorrow will bring
 its own blessings and strength.

 Now this does not mean we should not plan ahead, or commit our ways to Him, on the contrary, God encourages us in many scripture verses to commit our ways to Him.

 "Commit your works to Jehova,
 and your thoughts will be established" 
Proverbs 16: 3.

 "Acknowledge Him in all your ways,
and He will straighten your paths"
 Psalms 3:6

 "Commit your ways to the LORD, trust Him,
and He will come through
 (or He will do it, in Spanish "El harĂ¡").
Psalms 37:4 

"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything let your petitions come before God in all kinds of prayers and supplication, with thanksgiving. And the peace that surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and your thoughts in Christs Jesus."
Phillipians 4: 6 and 7

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