My dad would always tell us that life is like a glass half full of water but also half empty of it. Depending on our out-look, we will choose to see one or the other.
To give thanks in all circumstances is highly recommended.
It will be our attitude that will make the difference.
We cannot change some circumstances.
We cannot change people around us but we are certainly in charge of our attitude!
God is in control and He knows the way!
We must trust Him!
He might be preparing us for the future!
Training us!
It is the humble and the meek that will inherit the earth.
Here lies our true strength.
"Be still and know that I am God"...
"In quietness and in trust shall be your strength!"
It is in the difficult moments that we learn to depend on Him.
Coming face to face with our own limitations in so necessary!
Pray whatever the circumstances.
Pray no matter how hard the chances.
God promises to come through!
And in everything give Thanks!
This is the will of God.
We can even thank Him for the half empty glass!!! :)
David wrote in Psalm 23:
Because the LORD is my Shepherd I have everything that I need.
In Him we are complete.
In Him we lack nothing.
In Him we move and live and have our being!
Without Him we can do nothing!
So let’s abide in Him!
I am willing to go through all the tests and trials once again just because it was then that I learnt to know Him more!
And because with each consolation I am able to comfort others with that same comfort!
I thank God for being able to share this with you, beloved reader!
I thank God for you and I pray right now that you may know the richness of his love, the joy of His company, the comfort of his words and the power of his mighty strength and hope!
God bless you!