Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Merry Christmas

But the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people. Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord.  This will be a sign to you: You will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger.”

Suddenly a great company of the heavenly host appeared with the angel, praising God and saying,

Glory to God in the highest heaven, and on earth peace to those on whom his favor rests.”

Luke 2: 10-14 🌲 Merry Christmas!!


Tuesday, December 8, 2020

He Will Supply Every Need


But my God--so great is His wealth of glory in Christ Jesus--will fully supply every need of yours. Phil 4:19

How Joseph longed to embrace his brothers, his father, his youngest brother Benjamin. All God had meant in those dreams so long ago had come true.

Now it was time to reveal who he was, who he had become and even what others meant for harm God had turned into good.

Saviour, you can move the mountains, you can turn dry deserts into springs of living waters. You can restore relationships & families. 

God can heal broken hearts, he can redeem situations, mend broken bones & heal the sick. Blessed be his name forever!!

Sunday, November 22, 2020

Stand Firm

 'Undo the heavy burdens, let the oppressed go free, share your bread with the hungry, then your light shall break forth like the morning, your healing shall spring forth speadily, and your righteousness shall go before you; the glory of the LORD shall be your rear guard. Then you shall call, and the LORD will answer; you shall cry , and He will say, 'Here I am'. Isaiah 58 6-9

Monday, October 12, 2020

Wait on the Lord


Therefore do not worry about tomorrow,

 for tomorrow will worry about itself. 

Each day has enough trouble of its own.

Mathew 6:34

God is inviting us to live today abundantly without worries.

 Lets leave our worries and future concerns to God!

God promises to be with us perpetually.

 His presence with us is a forever promise.

The thief comes only that he might kill and destroy. 

I came that you might have life, and may have it abundantly.

John 10: 10

God bless you today!!

Sunday, August 23, 2020

Our Commonwealth is in Heaven

Our commonwealth is in Heaven...

Therefore, StandFirm in the LORD,
My Beloved. Help those who labor
side by side sharing the Gospel!

Rejoice in the LORD always;
again I say rejoice!

Philippians Chapter 4:1-3

Rejoice in hope, 
be patient in tribulation,
 constant in prayer.
 Romans 12:12

Philippians 3:1
Finally, my brethren,
 rejoice in the Lord.

The Call to Love

Romans 13:8

Owe no one anything 
except to love one another; 
for he who loves his neighbour
 has fulfilled the law.

Love does no wrong to a neighbour;
Therefore Love is the fulfillment of the law.

Put on the Lord Jesus Christ,
 & make no provision for the flesh,
 to gratify its desires.
 Romans 13: 14

None of us lives to himself,
 & none of us dies to himself. 
If we live, we live to the Lord,
 & if we die, we die to the Lord; 
so wether we live or wether we die, 
we are the Lord's.
 Romans 14: 7

Have no anxiety about anything, 
but in everything with prayer & supplication
 with thanksgiving let your requests
 be made known to God. 
And the peace that surpasses understanding,
will keep your hearts & your minds
in Christ Jesus.
Philippians 4: 6-7

Christ's Intercessory Prayer

And this is eternal life, 
that they know thee, the only true God,
 and Jesus Christ whom thou has sent.
John 17: 3

Sanctify them in the truth;
Thy Word is truth.
John 17:17

Sunday, July 5, 2020

God Rejoices & Sings

To Worship Him in spirit & in truth, 
to join the choirs of angels, 
who sing before the throne.

Our petitions are heard 
but it is our gratitude 
that touches God's heart.

God's blessings fall richly
 upon his Church 
in abundance and peace.

The greatest blessing is
 nearness to God. 

Psalm 100: 4 🙌 

Saturday, June 20, 2020

Full of Valiant Strength

This man was a Commander 
in the army, he was mighty
 & full of valiant strength, 
but he contracted leprosy. 

He waves good-bye to his wife
 as he goes in search of someone
 who could cure him. 

He even takes a letter from his King, 
but Kings could not heal him. 
Only God could & He did. 

He used the prophet Elisha 
to pray for him, then told him 
to bathe seven times 
in the River Jordan. 

Naaman was healed, 
his skin was completely restored.
 He believed in God. 

He went back home a changed man.
 There is always hope. 
God can heal you.
Come home!

Friday, June 5, 2020

We Belong to God

We are children of the Living God. 
 This is our true identity.
 We belong to God. 
Never forget. 
Go for all that God has planned for you.
 In Jesus' love and power
 may we all impact our world
 like God has planned. 
If you light up a lamp
 it is not to hide it, 
let it shine bright!

Thursday, May 28, 2020

God Restores Our Lives

God restores our lives
He starts by giving us new life
in Jesus our blessed redeemer.
Then he continues to perfect
the good work that he has started.
Philippians 1:6

He keeps on giving life to us
and helps us to do
what honors Him the most. 
Even when walking
through the dark valley
of death,
we will not fear
because the LORD
is our Shepherd.
Psalms 23

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Prayer For Our Nations

LORD, we thank you
 for the beautiful country
 you have gifted to us.
We ask that you forgive us
 for all our committed sins.
We ask LORD 
that you will bless our land 
from North to South, 
East to West. 

For our elders & our children.
For our families & our friends.
For our workers & our governors.

We ask that you will guide us 
along the path we should follow...
...and that you help us
 to do your will
 in this wonderful land
 you gave to us.
We pray in Jesus name.
Amen 🙌

Saturday, May 23, 2020

He Leadeth Us

We thank God for his guidance,
 his provision and love.

'Gentle Shepherd of the flock,
You are faithful to complete
the good work you have started'.
Philippians 1: 6

We thank God for his dealings with us.

'We thank God for you and we pray
that your love will abound more and more
with knowledge and discernment.
Grace to you and peace 
from God our Father
and the Lord Jesus Christ!!'

Thursday, May 21, 2020

God is Calling Us

I love that verse that says there are a variety of gifts and a variety of ministries, but is is the same God who gives to each one according to his perfect will. God is calling each one of us to serve, He has given each one a variety of gifts combined and He want to reach others, to save as many as He can, in fact He wants none to perish. That is why He delays his second coming. Thank you for listening to our Father's heart and for serving Jesús' 🙌

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Jesus Comes to Us

More than ever we must intercede for authorities like 2 Timothy recommends...

..."for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness."

"If My People who are called by My name will humble themselves & pray, I will heal their land. "

Jesus has come to heal, to save and to redeem.  I think of Peter when Jesus came walking over the water towards his boat, he wanted to come to Jesus...

While he was looking steadily into Jesus eyes he was able to walk above the waves, he was able to walk on the water (our circumstances)...

 But when he turned his gaze upon the storm, the huge waves & the wind, he started to sink...

 Everyone will stand before God one day, face to face & give account...

How will I answer?

Saturday, April 25, 2020

Trusting God

Making him our focus as we move through our days. Circumstances can change, but we can keep our balance by fixing our eyes on Him, the one who never changes!

If we gaze too long at our circumstances we may become dizzy & confused. Lets look to God. In Him we find: refreshment, steadiness, security, acceptance & significance.

Scriptures to Study:

Hebrews 12: 2
Psalms 102: 27
2 Corinthians 4: 16-18
Psalms 89: 15 to 18

Blessed are the people who know the joyful sound! They walk, O LORD, in the light of your countenance!

Let His Light shine upon us!!
In Jesus Name. Amen

Thursday, April 23, 2020

God is Taking Care of us

God is taking care of us.
He is the Good Shepherd!

He will provide for all our needs
according to his riches in glory.

Trust Him with all your heart!
By doing so we release matters into his control.

Lean on the everlasting arms!
He will be found by You!

Friday, April 17, 2020

God is our Salvation & Song

Lead us to the rock that is higher than ourselves & our circumstances.
Let us take refuge in the shadow of your wings where we are absolutely secure.
We will grip your hand tightly & look for growth opportunities:

• Grow closer to Jesus
• Grow closer to our Family Members
• Grow closer to our Church Members
• Grow closer to our Friends
• Grow closer to the Lost

Prayer: Thank you Father for becoming our Salvation as we confess Jesus Christ as our Lord & Savior. We will trust you every step of our way as we walk hand in hand with you. Bless those around us & bless our Nations. In Jesus name we pray! Amen

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Like the Bulbs

In every bulb 
there is the promise
 of life to unfold. 

If the seed does not fall 
into the ground to die
 it cannot bear forth fruit.

So it has been
 with the Son of man,
 He gave his life 
so that we should live. 

May we all die to self
 so that his precious love 
may come forth like the bulbs...

Thursday, April 2, 2020

He Comes to Us

When we couldn't go to Church,
the Church came to us.

Our brothers and sisters 
all over the world praying for each other,
coming to hospital to share
 communion with us, 
the bread was broken representing his body.

Sweet oil from the Spirit 
lifted up in prayers
coming before God Almighty.

How can we say thanks 
for having tasted
 the glories of heaven in the love 
of friends and family?

How can we not trust 
God's perfect timing and provision?

Our deepest and constant need for peace
 has been met by Jesus himself 
who comes to us constantly, 
gently and profoundly.

Monday April 2, 2018

Monday, March 30, 2020

Trust in the LORD

God is taking care of us.
He is the Good Shepherd!

He will provide for all our needs
according to his riches in glory.

Trust Him with all your heart!
By doing so we release matters into his control.

Lean on the everlasting arms!
He will be found by You!

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

The Light of Your Presence

I will bless the Lord who counsels me,
 who instructs me and teaches me. 
I will set the Lord before me, 
because he is at my right hand 
I will not be moved.

This bible verse I dedicated to my hubbie three years ago when I was hoping & waiting for his broken bones to be mended. I was believing he would be able to walk again through forests & beautiful places we would enjoy together as we always have. We wrote thank you notes to hundreds of friends who were praying for us believing God would never send a test harder than we could bear, but by holding on to Him we came out stronger & more grateful & united. We know God works miracles. Jesus heals the sick, Jesus can raise the dead. Jesus counsels us & guides us & holds us by his mighty hand. How can I say thanks for the things He has done for us, things so underserved, yet he did give his life for us!! To God be the glory!!

Saturday, March 21, 2020

Do not let your heart be troubled!

Jesus is Calling Us!!

If God is for us
who can be against us?

We give the enemy access to our lives
 through fear,
We give God access to our lives
 through faith!!

God will take care of us!!
That is really all we need to know!!

'Do not fear' Jesus has said
'for I am with you always'!!

"The LORD of Hosts is with us"
Psalm 46:11

Go forward!
God will carry you through,
to bring you where He
 wants you to be,
 to do all that He wants you to do
 & to have all that you need to have!!

He has not given us a spirit of fear,
but a Spirit of LOVE,
 & power & a sound mind!

There is nothing to fear!!
Jesus is with us!!
He will fulfill our destiny.

God has plans for your welfare,
not for evil.

No one will love you like
your Creator does!!

Somebody did die for you,
so that you would live for
His Kingdom.

Jesus commanded his Church,
'Fear not!, I will never leave you
nor forsake you!'
Do not let fear stop you!
God want us to be brave & bold!

To know your purpose
talk to your Creator.

Colossians 1:16

God loves you!
Love Him back!

Worry disconects you from God.
There are 7 thousand promises
 to claim in the bible.

Ask and you will receive...

He is the living water...
He is the light of the world!

We are children of God!
Let your courage & boldness grow
as your knowledge in Him does!

Let God show you those miracles
He has planned in your life
& in the lives of those you pray for!

How powerful God is!!
He is awesome & full of glory!!

Lets spend the rest of our lives worshiping Him!!!

Monday, March 16, 2020

His Face Shines Upon Us

 Beautiful prayer. 
The LORD blesses us & keeps us.
 His face shines upon us.
 His mercy over all Nations. 
'Turn towards Him, oh people 
of all races & walks of life.
 His love endures forever. 
His favor upon us,
 upon our families, 
our children
 & their children 
for a thousand 

Saturday, March 14, 2020

You are Leading Me

You are leading me
step by step,
I hold your hand
in trusting dependance
as I let you guide me
through this day.
I relax in your presence
& as I trust in You
the way opens for me
to go forward!

Thursday, February 6, 2020

Dedicated to God

Dedicated to God
Rebekah the daughter of Bethuel
Genesis 24:24

Rebekah was a woman of stunning faith and service.
What qualities make her one of God's special servants?

• Purity ♡ She was chaste until marriage.
• Industriousness ♡ Rather than looking for a husband or moping and mourning over a lack of one, Rebekah served her family and others.
• Hospitality ♡ Her home was open to those who needed care.
• Energy ♡ Abundant activity is a sign of happiness, and Rebekah had energy to spare as she went extra miles to serve people.

If you are a single woman, God has a beautiful plan for you. He encourages you to remain "holy both in body and in spirit". You also have more time to serve God because you're not devoted to your husband and children. As you use the same qualities Rebekah had to fully engage in "the things of the LORD" (1 Corinthians 7:34) you'll be given glorious opportunities to serve God and help others.