Thursday, May 28, 2020

God Restores Our Lives

God restores our lives
He starts by giving us new life
in Jesus our blessed redeemer.
Then he continues to perfect
the good work that he has started.
Philippians 1:6

He keeps on giving life to us
and helps us to do
what honors Him the most. 
Even when walking
through the dark valley
of death,
we will not fear
because the LORD
is our Shepherd.
Psalms 23

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Prayer For Our Nations

LORD, we thank you
 for the beautiful country
 you have gifted to us.
We ask that you forgive us
 for all our committed sins.
We ask LORD 
that you will bless our land 
from North to South, 
East to West. 

For our elders & our children.
For our families & our friends.
For our workers & our governors.

We ask that you will guide us 
along the path we should follow...
...and that you help us
 to do your will
 in this wonderful land
 you gave to us.
We pray in Jesus name.
Amen 🙌

Saturday, May 23, 2020

He Leadeth Us

We thank God for his guidance,
 his provision and love.

'Gentle Shepherd of the flock,
You are faithful to complete
the good work you have started'.
Philippians 1: 6

We thank God for his dealings with us.

'We thank God for you and we pray
that your love will abound more and more
with knowledge and discernment.
Grace to you and peace 
from God our Father
and the Lord Jesus Christ!!'

Thursday, May 21, 2020

God is Calling Us

I love that verse that says there are a variety of gifts and a variety of ministries, but is is the same God who gives to each one according to his perfect will. God is calling each one of us to serve, He has given each one a variety of gifts combined and He want to reach others, to save as many as He can, in fact He wants none to perish. That is why He delays his second coming. Thank you for listening to our Father's heart and for serving Jesús' 🙌

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Jesus Comes to Us

More than ever we must intercede for authorities like 2 Timothy recommends...

..."for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness."

"If My People who are called by My name will humble themselves & pray, I will heal their land. "

Jesus has come to heal, to save and to redeem.  I think of Peter when Jesus came walking over the water towards his boat, he wanted to come to Jesus...

While he was looking steadily into Jesus eyes he was able to walk above the waves, he was able to walk on the water (our circumstances)...

 But when he turned his gaze upon the storm, the huge waves & the wind, he started to sink...

 Everyone will stand before God one day, face to face & give account...

How will I answer?