Monday, March 30, 2020

Trust in the LORD

God is taking care of us.
He is the Good Shepherd!

He will provide for all our needs
according to his riches in glory.

Trust Him with all your heart!
By doing so we release matters into his control.

Lean on the everlasting arms!
He will be found by You!

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

The Light of Your Presence

I will bless the Lord who counsels me,
 who instructs me and teaches me. 
I will set the Lord before me, 
because he is at my right hand 
I will not be moved.

This bible verse I dedicated to my hubbie three years ago when I was hoping & waiting for his broken bones to be mended. I was believing he would be able to walk again through forests & beautiful places we would enjoy together as we always have. We wrote thank you notes to hundreds of friends who were praying for us believing God would never send a test harder than we could bear, but by holding on to Him we came out stronger & more grateful & united. We know God works miracles. Jesus heals the sick, Jesus can raise the dead. Jesus counsels us & guides us & holds us by his mighty hand. How can I say thanks for the things He has done for us, things so underserved, yet he did give his life for us!! To God be the glory!!

Saturday, March 21, 2020

Do not let your heart be troubled!

Jesus is Calling Us!!

If God is for us
who can be against us?

We give the enemy access to our lives
 through fear,
We give God access to our lives
 through faith!!

God will take care of us!!
That is really all we need to know!!

'Do not fear' Jesus has said
'for I am with you always'!!

"The LORD of Hosts is with us"
Psalm 46:11

Go forward!
God will carry you through,
to bring you where He
 wants you to be,
 to do all that He wants you to do
 & to have all that you need to have!!

He has not given us a spirit of fear,
but a Spirit of LOVE,
 & power & a sound mind!

There is nothing to fear!!
Jesus is with us!!
He will fulfill our destiny.

God has plans for your welfare,
not for evil.

No one will love you like
your Creator does!!

Somebody did die for you,
so that you would live for
His Kingdom.

Jesus commanded his Church,
'Fear not!, I will never leave you
nor forsake you!'
Do not let fear stop you!
God want us to be brave & bold!

To know your purpose
talk to your Creator.

Colossians 1:16

God loves you!
Love Him back!

Worry disconects you from God.
There are 7 thousand promises
 to claim in the bible.

Ask and you will receive...

He is the living water...
He is the light of the world!

We are children of God!
Let your courage & boldness grow
as your knowledge in Him does!

Let God show you those miracles
He has planned in your life
& in the lives of those you pray for!

How powerful God is!!
He is awesome & full of glory!!

Lets spend the rest of our lives worshiping Him!!!

Monday, March 16, 2020

His Face Shines Upon Us

 Beautiful prayer. 
The LORD blesses us & keeps us.
 His face shines upon us.
 His mercy over all Nations. 
'Turn towards Him, oh people 
of all races & walks of life.
 His love endures forever. 
His favor upon us,
 upon our families, 
our children
 & their children 
for a thousand 

Saturday, March 14, 2020

You are Leading Me

You are leading me
step by step,
I hold your hand
in trusting dependance
as I let you guide me
through this day.
I relax in your presence
& as I trust in You
the way opens for me
to go forward!