Sunday, August 18, 2019

Jesus Calms the Storm

Bible Story from Mark 4: 35-41

One evening Jesus said to his apostles, ‘Let us sail to the other side of the lake’.
When their boat was out on the water, a storm arose. Winds blew and waves beat against the sides of the little vessel. But Jesus had fallen asleep.

The apostles woke him and cried, “Master, save us or we shall drown!” And Jesus stood and said to the sea, “Peace. Be still.” At once the winds fell and the sea grew calm. And Jesus asked the apostles, “Why were you afraid?” And they said to one another, “Who is this Jesus that even the wind and the waves obey him?”

Do a collage activity with your children picturing Jesus in the boat as he raised his hands to heaven and commands the winds and the sea to be still.

He also says to us today: “Be still and know that I am God”!!

Prayer: Dear Father in Heaven, thank you for Jesus!! Thank you that all authority has been given unto Him!!
Thank you that in his name you can still calm the storms!! We love you for sending Jesus to us!! Jesus our beloved Savior!!

Blessed be your mighty name!!

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