Friday, December 31, 2010

Because the LORD your God carries you...

Even to your old age, I am He, 
and even to gray hairs I will carry you!
I have made and I will bear,
 even I will carry you and deliver you.
Isaiah 46:4

The LORD your God carried you,
 as a man carries his son, 
in all the way you went 
until you came to this place.
Deuteronomy 1:31

As I reflect on the Year that is ending today I can only be thankful for the LORD'S love and mercy as He literally carried me and my family and helped us all along!!!

In August he saved our 14 year old son from dying in an accident as his bike crashed into a bus. His skull was fractured from the top of his head up to his right ear 
yet God kept it all in place and after four days in therapy he was sent home!

In September my husband and I celebrated our Silver Wedding Anniversary with a trip to Ushuaia and to Santa Cruz to see and meet the Glaciars!

In December our youngest son graduated
 from his Primary School Years!

There was also a wedding in the family that I was able to attend. 

So my heart is full of thanks as I look back, celebrating each person as unique and special, thanking God for each moment we have shared as His love enfolds and holds us together.

Happy New Year beloved friends!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Merry Christmas!

We were all baptized by one Spirit into one body-whether Jews or Greeks, slaves or free-and we were all given the one Spirit to drink.
1 Corinthians 12:13

Wherever you are dear and beloved one, no matter how far, God is able to reach down and live with you in your heart if you humbly turn to Him!

He has called us to the obedience that comes through faith. It is a new life that is born in us when we accept Jesus Christ as the Messiah sent by God, born from a Virgin, who lived a Holy life, then died to cleanse us from our sins. On the third day he rose again and is now sitting at the right hand of God.
Turn to God wherever you are and confess your heart to Him. He promises to come and make His dwelling place with you!

This is what we celebrate during this Christmas Season that Jesus was born in Bethlehem to each one of us and that we were born again in Him to live a sinless life!

Jesus is our righteousness and our Kinsman Redeemer!

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Singing to our Prince of Peace

Today we had choir practice in the morning and tomorrow we are singing to our Prince of peace: Holy night, Oh night divine when Christ was born!

We will light the candle of peace as we continue searching God with all our hearts, mind and souls during this Advent Season.

When we come to God in prayer and commit to Him our lives, situations, troubles, limitations and needs, He gently comes and ministers peace to our hearts.

How I thank Him for His mighty presence in our lives that transcends all and brings rivers of peace like the waves of the sea!

With love from Lilian