Saturday, November 13, 2010

A lovely surprise!

I was at the piano
Singing along to Him my song
The boys were calling
"Its bedtime prayers, Mum!"

They had lit four candles
And in between lay The Bible.
As they sat expectantly
I hugged them tight!

"Thank you for such a lovely surprise!"
It was truly a delight!

So we read about a King
Who loved his God
And when I came to bed
I found this note:

"Dios te ama" (God loves you)
"Dios te cuida" (God takes care of you)
"Dios hizo la naturaleza" (God created nature)
"Dios quiere que los niños vayan a él" (God wants children to come to Him)
"Jesús murió por nosotros" (Jesus died for us)
"Nos limpia de nuestros pecados" (He cleanses us from sin)
"Dios es amor"(God is love)

It was from our youngest
And my heart was won!
Thank you, Son,
For these words you wrote
From the heavenly throne
To bless my Mother's heart!

God is awesome!
God is good!

Lilian Alice
Saturday night after giving my TKT exam
Pacheco, 24th March 2007

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful post and blog, Lilian!
    Thank you for your inspiring words!
    Thank you for sharing over at my blog.
    I love what you shared!
