Monday, July 29, 2024



You belong to God.

1 Corinthians 6: 19

How wonderful to know that God has made each one of us with a purpose.

He wants us to love Him, trust Him and follow Him.

The LORD is kind and wants to do good things for us.

Psalm 145: 8

Follow Christ and be an imitator of God. His Holy Spirit is full of love, power and self-control.

Nothing can separate us from His amazing love. Now if we love Him, we'll also listen & follow His leading.

We are so thankful for this amazing opportunity. God will equip us to live victoriously.

Wednesday, July 24, 2024


Jesus taught us how to pray.

We can do it in our room, with closed door, and God will hear our humble hearts.

Prayer is like wood to the fire of our souls. We need to keep our roots deep in God and his Word.

It is Jesus who will fill us with himself. His Spirit is a Spirit of love, power and self control.

Jesus knocks at the door of our hearts. Hear him calling your name and let him in.