Thursday, February 6, 2020

Dedicated to God

Dedicated to God
Rebekah the daughter of Bethuel
Genesis 24:24

Rebekah was a woman of stunning faith and service.
What qualities make her one of God's special servants?

• Purity ♡ She was chaste until marriage.
• Industriousness ♡ Rather than looking for a husband or moping and mourning over a lack of one, Rebekah served her family and others.
• Hospitality ♡ Her home was open to those who needed care.
• Energy ♡ Abundant activity is a sign of happiness, and Rebekah had energy to spare as she went extra miles to serve people.

If you are a single woman, God has a beautiful plan for you. He encourages you to remain "holy both in body and in spirit". You also have more time to serve God because you're not devoted to your husband and children. As you use the same qualities Rebekah had to fully engage in "the things of the LORD" (1 Corinthians 7:34) you'll be given glorious opportunities to serve God and help others.