Monday, July 31, 2017

Trust in the LORD your GOD

The Wise man built his house upon the rock 
and when the storm came along,
 He was safe.

 He was able to withstand the strong
 winds and the heavy rains and floods.

 Similarly we can build our lives upon the rock
  who is Jesus Christ, God´s Son,
 Blessed Messiah.

 He is the Corner Stone
 upon which to build his Church, his Body.
 He is the Head. 
All authority has been given to Christ Jesus,

Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Blossom and Grow

They grow in the sunshine
 brightening up my window sill,
my life and my heart.

 Take a little time to tend them
 and water them during the week.

 Last time I watered them
 I had my little granddaughter in my arms.
 I showed her their beauty
 and taught her their names. 
She gifted me with smiles.

Gardening nourishes our souls.
Take care of nature and blossom.
 Have a good day!